Which TLDs will be available from my site? The available TLDs are: .ac, .at, .be, .biz, .biz.pl, .bz, .cc, .ch, .city, .club, .co, .co.uk, .coffee, .com, .com.gr, .com.pl,...
As a domain reseller, in which prices do I buy and sell domains to my customers? You can check out our pricelist at Papaki from here, in order to see what the buying prices for the domain...
In what format has the Reseller API been developed? Our Reseller API for searching/registering domain names, has been developed in JSON format. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is based on...
What does the Domain Names search API include for Simple Resellers? The API includes PHP code, which can be embedded in the resellers' website, from which visitors will be able to...
What are the benefits of being a Gold Reseller? The most important benefits of Gold Resellers is the capability of domain names registration through the reseller's site, without Papaki shown.The Gold Reseller receives the...