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How can I register my trademark at Papaki?

What is a trademark?
Trademark refers to any recognizable sign which distinguishes a company's products or services from others. They can consist of words, names of natural or legal persons, aliases, illustrations, designs, letters, numbers, sounds, including music phrases, the shape or packaging of a product.

What are the different types of trademarks?
There are three types of trademarks: National, European and International.

A National trademark is deposited to the trademark department of the Ministry of Commerce and Development and it is only valid and protected in Greece.

A European trademark (EU trademark and former Community trademark) is deposited to the European Union Intellectual Property Office and it is only valid and protected in the 28 current member states of the EU.

An International trademark requires prior deposition or registration of a Greek or EU trademark. Upon request of the holder, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will attend to the same trademark being forwarded and examined as a trademark deposition in as many countries as the holder wants. Therefore, the International trademark is not valid around the world: it is a number of National trademarks, and every one of them is initially delt as a National trademark deposition in the countries that were chosen by the holder.

Which type of trademark can I register with Papaki?
Currently, Papaki only provides a registration service for National trademarks.

How long does it take for a trademark registration to be approved?

Registering a trademark is a process that requires time to gather the supporting documents as well  as the control that is carried out by the authorities in charge. Once the trademark registration request has been submitted, it will take about 5 months for the authorities in charge to control and approve it.
You can make your request by clicking here.

How long does registering a National trademark last?
Once a trademark has been registered, it constitutes an asset and intellectual property of the holder for 10 years. Next, once the holder wishes to, they can proceed to renewing the trademark.

What are trademark classes?
Products and services for which the National, European and International trademarks are registered, are classified according to the international product and service classification in 45 categories (classes). In order to register a trademark, the concerned person can choose to which class(es) the provided product or service belongs to, with the help of the Papaki team.                                                                                                                                                                  

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