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  2. What is the Trademark Clearing House (TMCH)?
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  3. What is the Trademark Clearing House (TMCH)?

What is the Trademark Clearing House (TMCH)?

The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) is a central database created by ICANN to record all data on Trademarks and to enhance the protection of intellectual property rights. By registering a Trademark on this basis, Trademark owners receive notification that a user has registered a domain name that includes their Trademark.  

This basically means that for the domain name that is trademarked (for example meta.test), there is a Trademark Clearinghouse registered as a Brand, so the moment you registered it, the Trademark Clearinghouse Owner will receive an update of the form:  

"A user worldwide has just closed the domain name meta.test which includes your Trademark meta.  

The Trademark Clearinghouse gives the Brand Owner, within 15 days, the opportunity to initiate procedures to request that your registration be canceled or to do nothing at all and continue to have your new domain.  

In such cases, you will need to wait to see if there will be any action from the Brand Owner, so we can then see how we can proceed.  

You can find more information on the page here. 


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