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  3. Can I transfer domains within Papaki accounts?
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  4. Can I transfer domains within Papaki accounts?

Can I transfer domains within Papaki accounts?

You can easily transfer domains between Papaki accounts through your Papaki Control Panel. After having logged into your account, you will click on the option "Useful Tools”-> "Transfer Services”-> "Change domain administrator”.

- If you wish to transfer a domain from your account to a Papaki one, you will need to follow the process under: "Domain transfer from my account to another administrator”. You will insert the domain name and the recipient’s username, and then click on the option "Transfer to another administrator”. The transfer is automatically completed.
- If you wish to transfer a domain from a different Papaki account to your own, you will need to follow the process under: "Domain transfer from another administrator to my account”. You will have to insert the domain name and the owner’s email, and then click on the option "Transfer to my account”. An email will be sent to the owner’s email address, so that the transfer is confirmed. The transfer is automatically completed once the owner approves it.

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