How can I change the access details to the ftp service through Plesk Onyx?
How can I change the access details to the ftp service through Plesk Onyx?
To change the details of your ftp service through Plesk, follow the steps below:
1. Log in to Plesk, using the credentials you received in your hosting activation email.
2. On the Websites & Domains tab, Select Hosting & DNS and Hosting
3. In the paragraph named system user, it is entered
No. 1. In the field to the right of Username you will enter the new username
No. 2. In the field to the right of Password you will enter a new complex (Strong) password (with alphanumerics and symbols).
No. 3. In the field to the right of Confirm Password you will enter your password again
No. 4. Done OK
NOTE : The password should consist of numbers, symbols and letters.